Keep Your Home Organised Year-Round with These 14 Hacks

Have you ever looked around your home and wondered where all the “stuff” has come from?  It’s not uncommon, yet it’s surprisingly easy to turn the clutter into an organised and functional home. Take note of these 14 effective tips and find yourself with an organised home year-round!  

1- Designate an area or ‘nook’ for bags and keys by the door. If everyone knows to leave these belongings here, you’ll always know where to find them.

2 - Create weekly menus with your family's input – keep a list on the fridge where everyone can write meal ideas. This will help you do a weekly shop and save the dreaded nightly question of what's for dinner!

3 - Store sheets in the same room as the bedding instead of having a central linen closet. As they are washed, return them to the same room for easy access and avoid having to sift through piles of sheets.

4 - Dedicate a drawer as your indoor toolbox - store a small hammer and one of each type of screwdriver in a kitchen drawer for quick fixes.

5 - Before bedtime, turn tidying up into a family activity. Get everybody involved and have a competition for whoever picks up the most items in 5 minutes!

6 - Create a central charging station. Avoid the frustration of trying to figure out who has all the chargers with a mounted power strip in a central location. 

7 - Set up a blackboard wall to record upcoming events, to-do lists and even some inspirational quotes to keep you on track.

8 - Clean out the fridge at the beginning of each week or just before you head to the supermarket. This will get you in the habit of checking what items you have before buying more, and also provides the perfect opportunity to create space by clearing out any outdated produce.

9 - Know what time it is no matter where you are in the home - use a clock in each room (including the bathrooms) to keep on top of your schedule and avoid running late.

10 - As the seasons change, go through your closet and donate items that no longer fit or you don't have a need for. As a general rule, if you haven’t worn it in the past 12 months, it’s time to clear it out!

11 - File don't pile - organise important documents in a filing cabinet as they are received. If necessary, keep a ‘to-action’ folder for those items that will require your attention at some point in the near future.

12 - Avoid the shoe mountain by purchasing a storage box and leaving it by the door. It’s also a good idea to limit the number of shoes that each family member stores by the door to keep it to only the essentials.

13 - Keep toys organised by sorting them in to colourful boxes. Label them with the type or category of toy to help children learn reading, recognition, and organisation all at the same time.

14 - Make sure each room has a bin, even if it is small – this will make both ongoing maintenance and whole house clean ups much easier for everyone!

Keeping an organised home doesn’t need to consume all of your time, and if you’ve set yourself up for success using these effective tips you’ll find yourself enjoying a chaos-free home with minimal extra effort. 

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